
台灣消化系醫學會 The Gastroenterological Society of Taiwan


活動日期 2020/09/19 14:30 ~ 2020/09/19 18:00
課程代號 B10909013
活動名稱 Empowering the Best Treatment for Liver Diseases
活動地點 新悅花園酒店 嘉義市東區後湖里保順路69號
主辦單位 戴德森醫療財團法人嘉義基督教醫院胃腸肝膽科
主講人 劉振驊副教授、羅清池部長、陳彥均醫師、陳健弘副院長、陳政國醫師
學分認定 B類 2
費用 不收費
聯絡資訊 盧怡伶
Tel : 05-2765041轉2535
Fax : 05-2763713
E-mail : cych**********com
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the fifth most common cancer, the third most common cause for cancer death in the world, a major cause of death in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection, and responsible for approximately one million deaths each year. Overwhelming lines of epidemiological evidence have indicated that persistent infection with hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a major risk for the development of HCC. The incidence of HCC is expected to increase in the next two decades, large
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